Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Timed Assessment - Cara's Direction

Cara took a while to perfect her initial design but when she did it was a brilliant design that I had fun doing.
Meeting one: In class, briefly discussed each others ideas and asked initial questions, showed material that linked to our ideas/first face charts.

Meeting two: In the Library, exchanged noted and went into more depth about our ideas, began to get a clearer idea of what we both needed to do.

Meeting Three: In class, exchanged final face charts and went over any loose ends.

The rest of the week was spent emailing each other and discussing products and kit.

Above is the face chart that Cara sent me but I didn't feel confident that I had enough information so I asked her to do me a product list and method as I had given her. Below are the notes she supplied me with and I felt a lot more confident after that.
Makeup you will need:
Foundation (a range so can apply right tone)
Illamasqua white foundation
A red Lip stick
Red eye shadows (two or three if possible different shades)
White eye Shadow
Black Eye shadow
Eye liner
A darker brown eye shadow or blush (to contour)
Powder Blush
Dark brown pencil
Black acrylic paint ( I will bring that in)
Hair you will need.
Hair band
Gel or water
Make up process:
Apply a base foundation matching skin tone, etc.
Powder base.
Start to contour the face with the brown
Contour down the nose
Contour the temple just about the outside of the eye brows
Contour the jaw line and underneath the cheek bones
Blush the cheeks,
Start to create a smokey eye with the red eye shadows, lightest colours first
( I would start with a white and then from the outside corner of the eye start to blend inwards with the lightest red and then with the darker red go into the crease more so and a little bit blended inwards and then with the black right in the corner going into the crease a little bit)
Underneath the lower lid at the out corner blend a small bit of red shadow under the eye into about the middle and then over the top  go over with a black but not as far into the eye (going from black in the outer corner to red)
Repeat on both eyes
Now do the eye liner (a thicker line) on both eyes and slightly underneath
Place mascara on top and lower lashes
Now draw on the eyebrows in the shape on the face chart (basically follow and fill my eyebrow shape) but blend in the middle without a harsh line so the look natural.
Highlight areas like the nose and above the cheek bones the chin and the lower lip, underneath the eyebrow with illamasqua white foundation
Pull all hair from one side over and then back into a bun wet it down or gel down to help. Basically a slick look into a bun using clips if you need too.
Hand Mark
Paint your hand or someone with a small hand with the black acrylic
Make sure its really smothered don’t worry about painting all of the palm though just around the outside and slightly in.
Place on the side of the face so that your fingers are mostly flat and the palm is as flat as you can get it.
Press down firmly.

Makeup Artist Name: Jenny Higson

Assessment of Designer: Cara Haywood

Initially it was quite hard to get hold of Cara but when we did she was always good at replying to my questions and request to meet. I felt it was a bit confusing getting it together at the beginning because Cara changed her design and only sent me the face chart the night before the assessment. The face chart was more of a drawing and although it was beautiful I found it quite hard to read. I also had to ask her for more information like a product list etc. that she was quick to supply. When I contacted her with any questions I had she was always quick to reply and very helpful.
Cara had a fabulous design, which was exciting to recreate. It presented a wide selection of skills that challenged me but excited me at the same time. Cara was able to give me advice if I needed it and was happy to meet when we needed to.

Cara’s main strength was in her design and she went into detail when explaining method though out emails prior to the assessment. I feel this is good in a designer because it made up for the design being done quite last minute and prevented me from feeling as though I didn’t know what I was doing. I would improve her time management so I had longer to look over the notes and probably would have got her to make the face chart a bit simpler too. I think Cara has learnt to time manage too. From my point this was the only issue we had.

As a makeup artist I have learnt to communicate if I have any issues with the design or am unclear about anything. I think I was successful in adapting when there weren’t things specified on the face chart and made the look work and look complete. My strength was problem solving to make the look work; for example the hair was to be put in a side bun but the notes didn’t specify what type of bun or how high or low it should sit on the head so I problem solved by doing what I thought would work with the look best. My weakness was failing to spot these things before we went into the assessment to ask Cara about them.  To improve next time I would try the look out on myself before the assessment but this was down to time management on both our parts. All in all I am happy with the look and I think it looks good, although it is slightly different to what Cara had in mind but I think we made it work between us.

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