Sunday, 20 October 2013

Beauty Vs Attractivness

To discover what my interpretation of true diverse beauty was I first had to distinguish the difference between beauty and attractiveness. I decided to look up how each was described in the Oxford Dictionary to begin.

Attractive is described in the Oxford Dictionary as:
"Pleasing or appealing to the senses:an attractive village foliage can be as attractive as flowers
(of a person) appealing to look at; sexually alluring:a stunningly attractive, charismatic man"

Beauty is described as:
"A combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight: I was struck by her beauty"
The definition of beauty surprised me, because it describes beauty as being really truly diverse. I now feel confident in my understanding of the brief and am starting to get a clearer idea of where i want to go with the project.

We are constantly told we must be ATTRACTIVE, rather than beautiful.

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