Saturday, 2 November 2013

Further Understanding of Diversity

I came across this photo of an Albino turtle swimming amongst regular turtles and thought it perfectly symbolised the idea of diverse beauty. Although it is different to all the other it looks graceful, majestic and beautiful.

This is the kind of thing that I want my photos to portray at the end of the unit - that being different, eccentric and unique is something to be admired, not mocked.


The Ugly Duckling is something else that has helped me understand diversity. The tale is that the duckling is brown and grey and all the others are yellow and pretty, so he is sent away into hiding until he realised he has transformed into a swan, and is accepted again.

There are to ways of looking at this:
1) its a shallow story that tells people you'll only be accepted if you are beautiful
2) its a lovely tale that's explains that he was ALWAYS a swan and therefore ALWAYS beautiful it just took the right people to see it.

I take this tale in the second way. I think it can be applied to people. Don't judge them on looks because you never know who they're going to turn into.

This has helped my understanding of diversity through looking at it though other peoples eyes.

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